No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it. ~H.E. Luccock
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. ~William James
i am very fortunate. i work from home. and did so before this pandemic. what that means is that i am used to this schedule. unfortunately, i am in the business of selling event technology. which maybe isnt so ideal right now. but I HAVE A JOB. for which i am truly thankful. but my very quiet - empty nester style - household suddenly has 5 grown people in it again. and 3 dogs. we are all trying to figure out how to make a work space that is effective, yet considerate of all the other meetings happening at the same time. a big problem? not even a little. just a very different turn of events.
we are all finding out what our new normal looks like. and THAT is how we are all in the same boat. every single one of us is now in a different place than we were a month ago. physically & emotionally. and while no single person's situation is the same, we have all been impacted by sudden CHANGE. some of us adapt to change well. some do not. but regardless, we all have to figure it out. how do we navigate this? without our friends, or in some cases our family? what do we do when our normal support network is all just as stressed out? or worse? generally trying times happen to us at different intervals - so SOMEONE is always around to pick us up, or cheer us up. take us out or bring in some wine. now we are ALL doing this at once.
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. ~Edward Everett Hale
so what do we do? well first, embrace the easy things: i havent put on a bra until 4 or 5 since this started - and then just to workout :). i have not used a blow dryer or put on makeup of any kind, again going on 3 weeks :). my kids are all home for more than a holiday for the first time in years :). i am learning how to cook again (kind of). i have time to read and catch up on series i've missed. i have time to work on a puzzle with my kids. and im not late for anything for the first time in my adult life.
and then we can try to embrace the changes: zoom is not just a tool for work - who knew? virtual happy hours & virtual workout groups are amazing. group chats have become not just an accountability tool, but also a mental health check in. we get to learn more about each others talents - some of us can paint, or are amazing at diy projects. we get new book and movie recommendations that we otherwise would never take.

reach out to friends we havent heard from or seen online in a while. ask for help if we need it. take the opportunity to think outward. it will help, i promise.
Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light. ~Norman B. Rice
as it pertains to exercise - which is really, ultimately where i am going with this: you no longer have ANY excuses to not. now it is literally just a choice. and it is totally cool if your CHOICE is to hang out in your jammies all day and eat junk food. you do you. we are literally living in the judgment free zone right now. absolutely no one but you and your dogs (or cats) will have any idea if you eat ice cream all day. 30 days from now (or more) might be the first time you get off the couch or see sunlight. and that is OKAY. however, it is now, and will continue to be, YOUR CHOICE. you are NOT too busy - that's for damn sure. you do not have any kids events to run to, or homework to help with. you arent stuck in traffic or have late meetings. you just dont have the normal reasons NOT to that you used to. so why not choose to think about this time as a reset.
Try not. Do or do not. There is no try. ~Yoda
literally everyone & their brother is posting workouts. most are free and most require no equipment. there are yoga classes and spinning classes offered virtually. dumbbell workouts and crossfit workouts. super expensive trainers are offering huge discounts for virtual training. and EVERYONE is in the same boat. there are support groups galore. NOW is the time to find your community online. or just the style of workout you like. no one is staring at you or making you feel awkward (unless you want them to). and no one is going to listen to you complain. it all sucks. for everyone. get over it. you know, or dont. either way, you dont have any of the normal excuses. it will be just as hard to make up new ones as it is to just go exercise. it's like that old saying "you dont have to go home, but you cant stay here"..... "you dont have to get off your ass, but you cant complain about why you didnt". clearly, im not good at making those up, but you get the point.
its a global pandemic. what in the ever loving fuck. who would have thought in our lifetimes we would be facing something like this? and we dont have a choice to just NOT. right? so we have to figure it out. the best that we can. be grateful for the things you have. dont let the things you no longer have define you. and just keep on keeping on. we can do this. together.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. ~John Donne