"Finding your tribe can have transformative effects on your sense of identity and purpose. This is because of three powerful tribal dynamics: validation, inspiration, and what we'll call here the "alchemy of synergy." Ken Robinson
this picture is only a small representation of what i consider my SiB family. we are, without any official declaration, a tribe. what makes this so special is that we are united for a common purpose. we help each other. and we have a lot of fun doing it. being fit is hard. and its even harder if you are going at it alone. the thing that i love the most about SiB is the feeling that i have created a place where my people can come to get what they need. sometimes that's a hard workout. sometimes its not so hard (right??). and sometimes its just encouragement or stress relief. we TOGETHER have created this environment where we bond over accomplishing things, individually and as a unit.
“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” - jane howard
the most interesting thing about my tribe is that it constantly evolves. and while i would consider ALL of these people my friends, we dont really socialize outside of the studio (except you know, my sister). this is a community of people who have bonded over our love of, or need for, fitness. we share challenges, we joke around, we celebrate birthdays, but we do it all within the walls of SiB. and i totally appreciate knowing i have this community of people who will be there to support me everyday - at roughly 4:30 (or you know, 7:30am if i have a gun to my head).interestingly, our tribe is very diverse. many of us have NOTHING in common except the desire to challenge ourselves. to get better. but what links us, even more than that, is the inner fire to not settle for the status quo. it is so easy to make excuses. we all hear them every day. i laughingly tell my friends that i'm like a fitness priest - people cant help but to come up and tell me WHY they aren't working out, or what their plans are. like i can ABSOLVE them. i find it interesting. and super amusing. i have heard just about every excuse out there. my favorites include, but are not limited to: bad knees (seriously??), no time (you and every other person on earth), and its too hard there (i have no response to this one).
If you don't want to do something, one excuse is as good as another.
~Yiddish Proverb
we are going thru this journey together. all of you out there with a tribe of your own know exactly what i mean. its super easy to quit doing something when you are doing it alone. but when you have other people counting on you, its a lot harder to just give up. you still can. we have certainly had people leave and never come back. that happens too. and its all okay. one of my favorite sincere beliefs is that people come into your life when you need them. not all of them are meant to stay forever. but while we are travelling together, we get to help each other. pretty cool stuff.
Help one another; there's no time like the present and no present like the time. ~James Durst
as summer approaches, we are starting to see the callenges in sticking with that workout program. spring sports are always tough. kids schedules get trickier. end of the school year has way more demands. and its a whole lot easier to just STOP. please don't. reach out to a buddy. find a tribe of your own. join ours. just dont quit. there will absolutely always be reasons for you to not make time for yourself. ALWAYS. but YOU are important. your mental and physical health is a GIFT - to you and from you to those you love. neglecting yourself is never the right answer. and if working out it not your thing - that's okay too. there are all kinds of other tribes out there that will support you doing your thing.
In union there is strength. ~Aesop
if you haven't started yet, doing whatever it is that you love, i hope you do. start now. once you are doing something FOR YOU, you will be amazed at how much better you feel. and you will wake up one morning and realize that you have a tribe of your own. believe me, its one of the coolest things out there.
Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. ~Kenyan Proverb
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