There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women. ~Madeleine K. Albright
i started SiB for girls. for this reason. not necessarily to combat the mean girl syndrome, but to help girls FEEL BETTER about what their bodies can DO. not what they LOOK like. and it has had mixed success in that regard. and i get it. i do. nobody likes to feel like they look bad - or awkward - or anything else. but we ALL DO. i've written ad nauseum about the filter/instagram culture, but that is just a symptom of the larger issue we all face. insecurity. it lives inside of us all. some do a better job dealing with it than others. some hide it. some brazen it out. some ignore it. but we all deal with it somehow. some of us are just fucking meaner about it than others.
The world is full of cactus, but we don't have to sit on it. ~Will Foley
im saying this from 48 year old deni's perspective. who was an insecure 16 year old who hid in sports. a hot mess 20 year old, and a gym obsessed adult. we all deal with how we feel about ourselves differently. i would love to say my gym obsession grew from love of exercise. but that would be a big fat lie. my gym obsession stems from my need to NOT BE FAT. to feel attractive. to fit in. but mostly, to not be fat. how's that for life long motivation. and how sad that my desire to NOT be something was a larger driving force than my need to BE something. and change starts with these young girls.
we cant help until we recognize the problem. and start to address it. with ourselves and our friends. this pandemic is just one more thing that brings home how self-focused we are. how everything affects ME as an individual. not US as a unit. for every person out there worried about their parent or grandparent or nurse/doctor friend, there are 5 more people worried about getting their hair done or getting back to the gym. because, even in the midst of a global pandemic, we are vain, selfish and insecure. we all have this in us, as much as we would like to say we dont. the only video i have posted, i felt compelled to comment on my gray hair. like seriously deni - who gives a fuck about your gray hair? clearly, me. because that self-conscious part of me is a living breathing entity all of its own. i hate it. i acknowledge it. and i work on shutting it up - every single day- but clearly it has a life of its own.
I may grow flowers in my garden which you do not like, but the pity is if I allow you to trample them out. ~Muriel Strode
maybe this doesnt pertain to you. i honestly dont know. maybe there are some seriously, genuinely strong, confident women out there that truly dont care what other people think. and i am in AWE of you. you are who i want to be when i grow up - if i ever do. but in the meantime, can we just try to take an extra second to think about what we are putting out into the universe. because people ARE watching. and judging. you need to do the things that make YOU feel confident and strong. and happy. understanding that other people dont understand that. and dont agree with you. and judge you. and that is ok. what i have learned 48 years later is that no one has to approve of you, but you. its a hard fought battle to get there. and it starts before you even know its a fight.
To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it. ~Confucius
the gift that SiB has given me is perspective. people come in all shapes and sizes, with various abilities and strengths. AND weaknesses. we ALL have them. we have both. its learning how to accept your weaknesses, embrace your strengths and to find a balance of the two. and i dont just mean physically.
to all the girls and women who have come thru SiB, i want you know that i APPRECIATE you. and i SEE you. my studio is not for everyone. my personality is not for everyone. and my workouts are not for everyone. but the message behind strong is beautiful, is. i want you to take away confidence. in yourself, your place, and your choices. whether those choices keep you at SiB, or take you somewhere else, its all about empowering yourself - physically and mentally.
"it doesn't get easier, you just get stronger" - SiB motto
i know i focus alot on the girls. but i also want to say to all the young men that have embraced SiB - THANK YOU. the common denominator that runs throughout the kids that stick with SiB, is respect. because those workouts arent easy. and they arent just for girls. it takes a confident teenage boy to rock that strong is beautiful shirt - and i SEE you too. and i see how much you respect all the other kids - both boys and girls - that rock that shirt. because you ALL know how hard it is. and you keep coming back anyway. i hope you are all PROUD of that. you should be.
it hurts my heart when any of my girls struggle with the haters. unfortunately, its a fact of life. especially when you put yourself out there. we chronicle our journey in different ways, and for different reasons. and people will always see what THEY want to see. what we might see as accountability, or motivation for others - someone else might see as showing off or attention seeking. and that is not anything that you can control. you can only control how YOU feel about what you put out there. the thing is this - you can never make everyone happy. and its not your job to try. i think its an easier battle to change how you start to think about yourself, than it is to change how you think about others. so maybe we all try to cut all the people out there the same slack we hope they cut us. the next time you go to screenshot something (or someone) - ask yourself why. and if its mean-spirited, on not something you would want someone to do you - then move on. that's really all we can do. just try to be better.
for all of you that put yourselves out there - keep on doing your thing. this is your life and no one has to be happy with it but you. and more people than you know APPRECIATE what you are doing. and respect the courage it takes to share your journey - flaws and all. strong girls, in all the forms that they take, rock. much love to you all.