"nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. EXCEPT PIZZA. pizza tastes like skinny can go fuck itself" - every woman alive.
actually, skinny can go fuck itself all the time, in my opinion. this realization has been a long time coming. too long. but thank you sweet baby jesus, i FINALLY get it.
as a woman with a passion for fitness, i have to say that i wish numbers in general would just disappear. more specifically those on the scale. i understand that we all feel compelled to MEASURE our progress, but by measuring it in WEIGHT, we get unrealistic and often misleading feedback.
the question is, would i rather weigh less just so i can tell someone out loud that i "only' weigh X. or would i rather weigh what the fuck ever and feel good??? its really a no brainer.
I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds. Sometimes in smiles. ~Laurie Halse Anderson
we are all super critical. every single one of us. even if its just of ourselves. we live our lives under the microscope. we see airbrushed magazine covers and magically filtered photos on social media. we look at photoshopped, made up versions of women, and we judge ourselves based on that. HARSHLY. the temptation to use those tools to present a prettier, skinnier, BETTER version of ourselves taunts us. as if what we ARE isnt good enough. this is a serious challenge for most of us. and i want you to think about it as it pertains to your life. WHY do you want to lose weight? is it to be healthier? is it to look better? or is it to reach that magic milestone of whatever you weighed before you had kids? are you rationalizing your happiness in the future on "if i only weighed X" then everything would be better.
Reality check: you can never, ever, use weight loss to solve problems that are not related to your weight. At your goal weight or not, you still have to live with yourself and deal with your problems. You will still have the same husband, the same job, the same kids, and the same life. Losing weight is not a cure for life. ~Phillip C. McGraw
You can’t build joy on a feeling of self-loathing. ~Ram Dass
im going to throw my friend under the bus (i'm sorry). but you know the blog is always motivated by something, right? this beautiful woman felt fat. and so she changed her diet and over the last 6 months lost 50 pounds. because that was the magic number. the NUMBER at which she was going to be "better". but what happens when you lose 50 pounds without exercise? anyone??? you end up looking really skinny - which is really awesome, right? but then you STILL have to go to the beach wearing a coverup. because there's always a catch. you have a extra skin. everywhere. and so now, her next project is to tone it all up. and you know what will happen then? she will gain weight. its a never-ending battle when you live by the scale.
so why was this an epiphany for me. because we weigh the same. and she's a little taller. and she definitely looks skinnier than me. her weight for her height is more "normal" than mine. and all i could think when i saw her, aside from honestly being happy for HER that she lost the weight, was "yikes". which makes me feel like a horrible person. what can i say. but looking at her 150 and my 150, all i could think was this NUMBER means absolutely nothing. and it made me glad that i am choosing to build muscle instead of lose weight. which doesnt mean that that's the right answer for everyone. obviously. but its definitely the right one for ME. i truly realized, maybe for the first time, that the number on the scale really doesn't mean anything. i know i've said it before. but this time i hope i actually mean it. it somehow just LANDED inside me this time. what i weigh means absolutely NOTHING.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
what i guess im trying to say is this - be grateful for your body, in whatever form its in. there will always be room for improvement. just like you will never stop learning. your entire LIFE is a work in progress. that includes your body, and your emotions. and that's the way it should be. there will always be someone that looks the way you wish you did. and that person wishes they looked like someone else, i promise. to compare is human, i think. as long as you use that comparison for GOOD. to motivate yourself, maybe. but not to judge. society judges enough for all of us. be kind to yourself.
It’s true, the scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it. It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength, or love. Don’t give the scale more power than it has earned. Take note of the number, then get off the scale and live your life. You are beautiful!”― Steve Maraboli
if you are struggling with losing weight, and the scale motivates you - then use it. just dont let it DEFINE you. progress is made in a lot of different ways. that number is only one very tiny part of who you are.
and if you work your ass of everyday in the gym. and you are stronger than you used to be. but the scale tells you that you are not doing good enough, then throw that bitch in the trash. YOU get to decide what makes you feel beautiful. not that arbitrary number.