"start where you are. use what you have. do what you can." -
arther ashe
think about that. where are you? right now. physically. emotionally. what do you consider your gifts or abilities to be? we all have them, but have we thought about it? and what can you do? to be happy. healthy. have a positive impact on those in your life. pretty profound questions to start this new year :)
this is my second stab at blogging. and i'm sure i will be revisiting "be the sunshine" here and there. but where i am right now, versus 4 years ago, is more health and wellness minded. so i decided to go in this direction for awhile. my goal thru the blog is to discuss some issues surrounding the struggles we all face in the body image, health, wellness and fitness arenas. should be fun, right?? and it just so happens to be my version of starting where i am, using what i have & trying to do some good.
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” John Wesley
every year i pick a theme. its evolved from the single word of 4 years ago, but the idea remains the same. i sit down on the 1st of every year and try to think about what my focus should be for the year. it helps me to clarify and to put a game plan together. im big on planning....my execution needs some work, but i'm a champion planner. so this year, its this - Do GOOD. Feel GOOD. that simple thought carries real weight for me. it means so many things. do good in the world. be nice and helpful and positive. put the GOOD out there. and also, you know, DO good. be successful. work hard. accomplish things. be a force for change. i can do that if i try. and this year, i really want to put some effort into it. the result, i trust, will be to FEEL good. emotionally and physically. not a bad goal for a new year :)this is where i say i am in NO WAY an expert. what i bring to the table here is 20 years of group exercise and fitness experience. and a lifetime of both watching and participating in this ridiculous exercise of self-torture we call dieting. i have spent way more time than your average person researching this topic. i have a fitness nutrition certification (that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme), but just goes to show you that i do take the information seriously. because at the end of the day what i think we ALL have in common is the desire to look and feel our best. unfortunately, we also let society dictate what our personal best should be. please can we JUST STOP doing that?? pretty please?
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” - Dr. Seuss

now clearly i'm a fitness advocate. i love it. that is part of what defines ME. working out and being strong makes me FEEL strong. but i know that is not the answer for everyone. and it doesnt have to be. what i would say to those of you who struggle to find the right balance between being totally inactive and insanely crazy is that like everything else in life, it's all about BALANCE. we all do a lot of things that we dont like. like pay bills. and do laundry. and you know, vacuum. we spend a zillion hours worrying about OTHER people and what they need. our kids, partners, co-workers, friends. what i hope you will do this year is figure out where YOU fit in. and make time to feel BETTER. and stop comparing yourself to anyone else. start where YOU are. use what YOU have. do what YOU can. that's all anyone can ask, even you.
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power. ~
Clint Eastwood
along those lines (and forgive me for getting a little preachy), don't buy into the gimmicks. the reason all those weight loss companies are successful is because you aren't. not in the long term. they know you will do ok. fall off the wagon. and then be back. they count on it. sometimes i know it's easier to buy the shake, or order pre-made food packs. or count up some points. but you aren't LEARNING anything about your body - and what works for it. you need to learn how to eat for your life. no one else has the same pantry or refrigerator as you. no one has the same schedule or allergies as you do. the only way to find a long term healthy relationship with your body is to recognize its strengths and weaknesses. and then eat accordingly. learn how to regulate your food within YOUR lifestyle. it is the only way to succeed long term. don't buy into the BUSINESS of weight loss. and shame on Oprah for trying to sell it to you!!
buy into wellness. making your body as healthy as it can be. figure out WHY you want to look better or feel better. why do you need to take care of your body? so you can be here as long as possible. to celebrate the milestones of a long life, with family and friends. and to not be miserable doing it. we are over-medicated and over-crutched. we dont want to have to work so damn hard, so we look for the easy way out. just like paying bills and vacuuming, eating right and exercising isn't always something you want to do. but you have to. at least sometimes. kinda like vacuuming ;)
WELLNESS -the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the
result of deliberate effort.
DELIBERATE EFFORT. think about that. wellness is not going to just come to you magically. it is not in a pill, or a bottle, or a shake. it comes about as a result of deliberate effort on your part. in both BODY and MIND. wellness is not about how you look. it is about how you FEEL. and i promise you that if you put deliberate effort into your physical health and your mental health - good things will happen inside of you. and probably outside as well.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
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